Still here!!! With everything I have been experiencing lately I thought for sure that I would go sometime this week!! At Tuesday's appointment Dr. Hamilton stripped my membranes (sounds great, huh?) and I experienced some real bleeding/spotting (which is normal) for the first time!! I thought it might help to set things in motion but nothing came of it. Since Tuesday I have been having contractions on a "regular" basis, although they have been irregular in length, distance between and intensity. I would say that I have anywhere between 40 - 60 during the day and then another 30 - 40 from the time I get home until I hit the sack. The past two nights I have been woken up by a contraction or two. They aren't all strong, they tend to vary in intensity and I probably only experience a handful a day that stop me in my tracks. So, here we go....another week on the books and only 11 days until my "due date".
Matt has a bachelor party in AC on Saturday so I have asked my mom to "watch over" me. I hope and pray that Saturday is not the day!!!! We are planning ahead to make sure he can get home at a moment's notice. It probably won't come down to that but you never know.
Let's see.....the bags (Matt's and mine) are completely packed and the baby's room is completely ready as well. There isn't much left to do except......wait.
Matt is really starting to think it's a boy for sure!! The past two appointments Dr. Hamilton has been referring to the baby as such. The heart rate was 124 this past visit and 122 the visit before. I can't imagine that's something that can be relied upon but the doc seems to think so. Can't wait to find out and share the news with you all!!!! Keep checking your email....Matt will be sending out an "arrival" email any day now :-)
Take care and pray for a quick (in the next few days and short in length) and pain free (well, as little pain as possible) labor and delivery!!
Hayleigh's Bridal Shower March 2019
5 years ago
1 hugs:
Erin, You are being a trooper! I was so anxious for an update and I'm sorry there's no baby yet. It must be a boy (taking his good old time). Matt probably told him to hang out in there until Sunday so Daddy can go to AC. Enjoy your weekend and keep in touch. I'll be praying for you. Love, Dawn
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